
The CGA-CoPME is an association approved by the ministry in charge of finance (in Cameroon) whose goal is to provide assistance in the management, supervision and execution of tax and accounting obligations to small member companies, achieving a figure of annual business between 0 and 100 million FCFA. In this project, we were required to develop a website, Posters and assist the marketing manager.

Website: before and after

Website before

Website after

The advertising posters we designed

An invitation related to the book: “LA TONTINE”

An invitation related to the book: “LA TONTINE”

Flyer formation CGA-COPME

Flyer formation CGA-COPME

affiche A3 CGA.png

If you feel like you need our services to power your business, or you would like to have a talk with us, feel free to contact us.

Dhwty U.B

I am a business consultant who develop marketing and business management strategies that work for your company.

Art of Felix Fokoua version 2020


Red Feather